Liposuction is the process of absorbing excess fat tissue in the body with vacuum tools. Although it is usually applied to the abdomen, hips, arms and thighs, it can be applied to almost all parts of the body.
Lipolysis, on the other hand, is the breaking of fat into small pieces using various chemicals or tools. Therefore, the lipolysis performed fat can be absorbed by the instrument or by the body.
What does liposculpturing, liposculpting, body shaping mean?
All these terms mean to shape the body contours by transferring the fat from the excess places to the missing places. For example, a more feminine appearance can be provided to the body by removing excess fat from the sides of the flank and giving it to the sides of the buttock. Especially in women, the fat in the hip areas is resistant to diet and exercise due to the different structure of the recipient areas of the cells. A permanent solution can be provided with lipolysis and liposuction to be applied in this area. More effective body shaping can be achieved by combining surgical procedures such as tummy tuck, arm stretching and leg stretching with liposuction.
VASER, LASER, ULTRASONIC, PLASMATİC, LIPOMATIC…. Which is better? Although these energy dependent systems are used in all industries, they have also taken their place in aesthetic surgery. Roughly, in VASER and ultrasonic method, fat cells are broken down with sound waves and some skin can be tightened. LASER is a name that everyone is familiar with. Its use in aesthetic liposuction is in the form of application under the skin and adipose tissue. In this way, fat cells are broken down and some tightening can be achieved in the subcutaneous tissue. Plasmatic energy consists of a mixture of electrical energy and radiofrequency and is mostly used for skin tightening. Names such as lipomatic etc. are commercial nomenclatures and are tools that combine fat intake, fragmentation and delivery. The important thing here is not the popular tool, but the use of the right tool in the right indication and its correct application. It is necessary to know in which region which energy value will be directed towards which target and to choose accordingly. In other words, the decision should be left to the experienced and innovative plastic surgeon.
How much weight can I lose with liposuction? How many centimeters or how many sizes can i reduce?
Liposuction is a body shaping method, not a weight loss method. The procedure is done by entering the body through several small skin punctures. With this method, approximately five to six liters of fat tissue can be removed from the body in a single session. Multiple sessions may be needed, as it can be life-threatening in amounts above this.
The question of how many cm or how many sizes I will thin is very variable. For example, the same amount of fat taken from a short person and a tall person causes different body changes. Based on the abdominal circumference, it can be said that roughly 1 to 3 sizes of thinning can be achieved.
What should I pay attention to before and after the operation?
Our patients who are scheduled for surgery should quit smoking if they smoke at least 30 days before the surgery. Especially if they are using blood thinners such as Aspirin, they should stop this drug at least one week before, under the control of a doctor. If any, they should inform their doctor about their allergies and the medications they use regularly.
After liposuction, food and beverages that cause edema should be avoided. After about 10 days after liposuction, land or air travel can be done. A corset should be worn for about 1 month after liposuction or lipolysis. The average time to start sports is one month. Edema can be reduced with lymph drainage massages and radiofrequency applications to be performed approximately one week later. The final effect of the procedure occurs in 6 months.
Is it a painful procedure?
Liposuction is usually performed by giving a liquid called the wet method and containing painkillers. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the painless procedures.
Will I gain weight again from the liposuction area?
The number of fat cells in the liposuction area is reduced mathematically. For this reason, re-fatting in this area is less than in areas of the body that do not undergo liposuction.
Can it be applied together with other treatment methods?
Liposuction can be applied alone or in combination with many fat melting methods. In this way, the reduction of fat tissue and contouring can become more effective. For this purpose, ultrasonic (like VASER) or laser systems or chemical fat breakers such as deoxycholic acid can be used in combined treatment.
Can the removed fats be given back to the body?
Of course. In fact, the most valuable filler is our own fat. I usually obtain stem cells from some of the fats taken and apply them especially to the face and hands, and I get very good results.
Can breast or butt augmentation be made from fat removed by liposuction?
Yes it can be done. However, small amounts of magnification can be made in both magnification processes. If given in large amounts, the risk of fat necrosis, infection or embolism increases.
Is there swelling and bruising?
There will be bruising and swelling with a 50% probability after the operation. However, these effects are minimized with the corset to be applied. The bruise heals in an average of 3 weeks, the swelling lasts longer.
When will I return to work and social life?
You can return to desk jobs after 3 days. It is enough to wait an average of 7-10 days for a meeting or social event.
Is this process done in the summer?
Wenn geeignete Umgebungen vorhanden sind, ist der Sommer für keine Operation kontraindiziert.
How soon can it be repeated?
Since the results are evident in 6 months, additional sessions can be performed after 6 months.
Can liposuction be applied to postbariatric surgery (after gastric reduction) patients?
Liposuction can be applied to postbariatric patients because there may be fat resistant to diet and bariatric surgery in some body parts. However, since there is a high probability of excess skin in these patients, excess skin should be removed with a surgical incision.
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