Nose Aesthetics
Assoc. Prof. Cengiz ESER MD


Rhinoplasty is one of the face beautification methods which demand is increasing rapidly. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes between 1 and 2.5 hours.

Rhinoplasty surgery is always open to innovations, has a dynamic momentum and can be performed in two different ways, generally open and closed methods. The aforementioned open and closed methods are surgical entry methods to the skin of the nose, and osteotomy, That is, the shaping of the bone structure of the nose, can be done with metal osteotomes, manual or automatic saws, piezo or instruments working with ultrasonic energy today.
Can I only have nose tip surgery?

In suitable patients, there is also a technique called nasal tipplasty, where only the tip of the nose is treated. However, considering the harmony of the nose with the face, it is appropriate to perform this surgery in very suitable patients, that is, in patients whose new nose tip is thought to be compatible with the entire nose and face.

Can nose surgery be performed without breaking a bone?

Although rare, rhinoplasty can be performed without breaking the bones, especially in noses that do not have an arch on the back of the nose and are not wide.

As a patient, how should I evaluate the results of the doctor's surgery?

Contrary to popular belief, evaluations made during surgery, on the operating table, or as early as one or two weeks make almost no sense. Because the edema that develops in the operation area hides all the details on the floor and exhibits an ideal image with very smooth transitions.
As a result of permanent surgery, it occurs between 6 months and a year, after all edema has passed. In other words, seeing the late surgery results of the physician provides a real evaluation.


We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about Rhinoplasty for you. You can always contact us for more detailed information.

This situation, which is common in old methods, has been eliminated with the development of more stable and permanent techniques, especially in recent years. In other words, there is almost no nose drop after surgery.
The answer to this question is roughly yes. However, with appropriate techniques and drugs, we achieve better results than before. For example, the use of drugs such as isotretinoin (for example, acne medicine), which reduces the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, before the operation may improve the outcome of the operation.
One night stay in the hospital after the operation is sufficient. In order to reduce edema, you should sleep with a double pillow for about a week. Applying cold on the nose for 15 minutes per hour for 3 days immediately after the surgery will have a significant contribution to reducing pain and edema.
After rhinoplasty surgery, pain is almost absent and bruising is minimal.
About 60% of the edema that develops in the nose of a patient who has this surgery regresses in the first month, and the rest regresses between 6 months and 1 year on average.
Decades ago, nose surgery was ended with very large tampons. Now I send my patients to their rooms with ready-made silicone tampons without tampons or in the form of small tubules.
Although there is no visible scar in the closed method, there may be a scar in the form of a very decreasing line in the middle of the lip-nose pole after about 6 months in the open method.
Our patients can be at home on the same day or the next day without pain.
Medications given after discharge should be taken on time and regularly. Using a double pillow while sleeping helps to reduce facial and nasal edema. Our patients should rest at home for 2-3 days. Afterwards, short walks can be made outside in cool times. They can return to work after about a week. After about 4-6 weeks, they can swim and do sports.
The answer to this question, which is constantly asked, can be given as "if necessary, if the physician recommends it". Routine massage is not recommended for all nose surgeries. Because uncontrolled massage can displace bones and cartilages and cause deformities. However, in some cases, especially after crooked nose surgery or secondary-tertiary nose surgery, massages may be recommended to reduce edema and prevent the return of the curvature.
First of all, I think that the plastic surgeon whose experience is proven, who gives you confidence, who has professional qualifications and with whom you are compatible, is the right doctor.
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