What does facial aesthetics do and at what dose it should be done?

What does facial aesthetics do and at what dose it should be done?

Facial aesthetic applications are among the most common non-surgical aesthetic applications today. It can be used safely by knowledgeable physicians and effective results can be obtained. It is originally obtained from the toxin produced by a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum. Just as there are drugs obtained from snake or scorpion venom, a medical drug was obtained from this bacterial toxin, which is used in the appropriate dose in the scientific environment. The most important effect of this substance is that it causes relaxation in the muscles.
Just as there are drugs obtained from snake or scorpion venom, a medical drug was obtained from this bacterial toxin, which is used in the appropriate dose in the scientific environment. The most important effect of this substance is that it causes relaxation in the muscles.

Now let's think together; What does a muscle relaxation do?

Of course, it provides relaxation of an unnecessary or excessively contracted muscle. In other words, in some diseases, joints and organs are compressed, displaced or lost function due to the continuous contraction of the muscles. With the appropriate dose of medication to be administered to these patients, the symptoms can be eliminated. In this sense, dozens of diseases can be treated without surgery with small injections.

Let's take a look at the back of the mirror: Can we prevent wrinkles if we relax a muscle that, when contracted normally, has other effects such as wrinkles?

Our answer to that, of course, is yes. To explain briefly, the skin just above a superficial muscle is tightly attached to the underlying muscle. When the muscle contracts, the skin over it also tries to reduce its length as the muscle is tightly attached to the muscle. However, the structure of the skin is unlike muscle and does not contract. Therefore, it shrinks the distance exponentially (wrinkling). In other words, when the muscle contracts, wrinkles form on the skin over it. As a result, if the underlying muscle does not contract, no wrinkles will form on the upper skin.

However, we, Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons, benefit more from the cosmetic effects of this procedure. For example, when we talk, look towards the sun or light, cry, laugh, eat, drink, hurt, love…. In short, we use our facial muscles in almost every situation. Especially on our upper face, such as the corners of the eyes and forehead, we have a lot of expression muscles attached to the skin. Here, these muscles fold the skin on them, that is, wrinkle them, with the mental state or daily activities I mentioned above. Unfortunately, the wearing effects of age and sun also contribute to this wrinkling. Eventually, the wrinkle becomes permanent. This is where we plastic surgeons come in.

Yes, we do, but controlling everything separates us from other practitioners. Here, to whom, where, when and how much should the facial aesthetic procedure be performed, what could be the side effects, how to intervene if there are side effects? When should it be repeated? qualified questions such as Although these questions seem like details of the work, it should not be forgotten that any intervention made without calculation will harm people.

For example, the same doses should not be used since men and women have different muscle structures and strengths,

Since the muscle strength of each individual is different, different doses should be applied to each individual,

It should be known how deep or on the surface the applied muscle is and the injection depth should be adjusted accordingly,

The amount of dilution should be adjusted to reach the appropriate dose,

If necessary, it should be repeated,

Side effects should be monitored.

It is the most important nuances to know the details such as intervention and correction if a side effect develops.
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